Practice your pitch recall skills

An ear training tool for improving your pitch recollection. Select your instrument in the top right settings. Works with mouse, keyboard, and midi. Click "Play Note" to begin, or check out how to use.

0/0 | Accuracy: 0%
Average Semitone Distance: 0

How to Use

You can practice via mouse, QWERTY keyboard, or MIDI keyboard.

  • Mouse: Click the play button, then recall the note and click on the keyboard. You can use enter or spacebar as a shortcut to replay the note, reducing hand strain during longer practice sessions.
  • QWERTY Keyboard: Uses the same layout as Ableton:
    • White keys: A through K on your keyboard
    • Black keys: W, E, T, Y, U, O, P in the row above
    • Octave shift: Z and X keys
    • Replay note: Space or Enter
  • MIDI Keyboard: Connect your MIDI keyboard and start playing - it uses the same layout as the on-screen keyboard.

Need a MIDI Keyboard?

Arturia MiniLab 3 MIDI Controller

If you would like to support the site, and are in need of a MIDI keyboard, I recommend the Arturia MiniLab 3.

Check price on Amazon →

What is Perfect Pitch?

Perfect pitch, or absolute pitch, is the ability to identify or recreate a musical note without any reference point. I created this web app because I wasn't satisfied with existing pitch training tools - I wanted something that was both powerful and pleasant to use.

Can you use this tool to acquire perfect pitch?

Probably not! The name is a bit of a misnomer. But data shows that you can improve your pitch recollection skills with deliberate practice. Some adults can develop accuracy indistinguishable from perfect pitch. This is called relative pitch.


  • Multiple Instruments: Train with different timbres including piano, guitar/bass, and synthesizer sounds to develop true pitch recognition rather than just timbre memory.
  • Customizable Practice: Adjust note duration, velocity randomization, and note range to match your skill level and practice goals.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor your accuracy and average semitone distance to track improvement over time.
  • Continuous Mode: Practice with automatic note progression for efficient training sessions.
  • Session-based Practice: Coming soon - Create timed practice sessions with detailed statistics to monitor your progress.